Veduta di Alimena
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Far from its capital Palermo, and much closer to Enna and Caltanissetta, Alimena is reachable by the A19 motorway exit Resuttano.

At 750m a.s.l., Alimena is located between two rivers: Salso and Imera South and surrounded by the Madonie amongst vast wheat fields.

Its origins are related to the intense agricultural activities in the area during the 17th century. Thanks to Pietro Alimena and later to his successor Antonio, the small feudal village was born around 1628 under concession of the King of Spain Filippo IV. It originally comprised the areas of Portella Nuciforo, San Filippo, “fondo della Mazza” and the old Imaccara (Garrasia e Bulfara).

Its urban lay out is that of a typical municipality of the time with its centre represented by the main Church. The historic centre still keeps its residential and commercial functions and an adequate conservation of old buildings.

Amongst the most prestigious monuments are: Chiesa Madre (the main Church) were a statue of the Immacolata by Francesco Sorgi is kept; the Church of the once Convento dei PP. Riformati that hosts a “Christ” of the XVII-XVIII century of anonymous artist; and the Chiesa delle Anime Sante.

In the old days, the area was renowned for its fertile territory and favourable climate. The salt and sulphur mines also added prestige to the area.

Alimena’s main activities are agriculture and farming animals. Of great importance are the productions of wheat, almonds, broad beans, olives, and wine. Despite the presence of many businesses in these sectors, the village suffers a strong emigration.

Of the several areas that form Alimena’s territory, the “Bolfrara” has the oldest origins.

In Contrada "Burgarito", located in the open countryside, a small sanctuary stands on a rock overlooking a stream.

Near by, of particular interest are some caves and a church dedicated to S. Alfonso De' Liguori. This was originally used as a look out point over the Madonie and the Erei mountains.

Other areas are: Destri, Chiappara, Garrasia, Vaccarizzo, Celsi. - Tutti i diritti riservati © 2025 - Web Designed by Enzo Albanese