Veduta di Alimena
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Church of Anime Sante
It stands on a small riseand overlooks the open valley that stretches before the Madonie, almost certainly in the same spot where during the late 1500s a small chapel hosted the few inhabitants of a rather developed settlement.It is a small church built by orders of the founder of Alimena quickly finished in 1629 the year of its in inauguration. The church is dedicated to S. Gaetano of Thiene, first patronofAlimena, represented by a painting above the main altar. Of modest size, the church shows all the characteristics of a rural construction. It is believed that a photograph of the founder was kept inside. It was later dedicated to S. Maria Maddalena and it functioned as the main church until the Chiesa Madre was built. Vito Amico, from its 1757 visit to the church writes that in those years the church was dedicated at the Purged Souls and it is now called Aninme Sante in honour of the painting that represents the Sacred Souls. Albeit its modest size and essential forms, this church evokes compassion and interest related to the origins of Alimena. - Tutti i diritti riservati © 2025 - Web Designed by Enzo Albanese